Presidential Debates

The California senator responded to Vice President Mike Pence with all the looks.
The pandemic was topic #1 at the vice presidential debate. Kamala Harris responded with some devastating facts.
People on Twitter joked that the bug on the vice president's head during the debate with Kamala Harris should probably get tested for Covid-19.
"We can all Make America Not Actively on Fire Again," Jim Carrey's Joe Biden told voters.
Trump's debate message was more than just a shoutout to hate groups, the president's niece warned.
The president insisted, without evidence, that violence is a left-wing problem.
From "Pocahontas" to the "China plague," Trump repeated racist tropes and peddled misinformation in his debate with Joe Biden.
The president has been condemned for failing to denounce white supremacy.
President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden face off for the first time in an event moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace.
The president and his campaign have spent time, energy and loads of money painting Joe Biden as senile. That attack could go up in smoke in minutes.