Press Briefing

Press secretary Jen Psaki blamed the PM for the furore in the Oval Office on Tuesday.
The prime minister was talking about a potential UK-US trade deal in the White House.
As we continue the gradual coronavirus unlock, Boris Johnson speaks to the nations for the first time from Downing Street's newly created briefing rooms.
"Well, that was weird as s**t," one journalist was heard commenting.
Prime minister Boris Johnson chairs the daily coronavirus briefing alongside chief scientific advisor Sir Patrick Vallance and professor of emerging infectious diseases from Oxford University Dr Peter Horby. It comes after scientists hail a widely-used steroid drug dexamethasone as “major breakthrough” in the fight against coronavirus.
As Britain surpasses 40,000 deaths due to covid-19, the health secretary delivers the daily coronavirus press briefing from Number 10.
Prime minister Boris Johnson leads the daily coronavirus press briefing. Under new plans considered by the government, the public could be allowed to hold BBQs and garden parties within weeks.
Environment secretary George Eustice leads Downing Street press conference alongside deputy chief scientific adviser Professor Dame Angela McLean. It comes after UK death toll rises by 227 in 24 hours bringing the total number of people who died of coronavirus to over 35,000.
As government urges people to avoid public transport where possible, transport secretary Grant Shapps leads the daily press briefing. He is expected to be joined by deputy chief scientific adviser Jonathan Van-Tam.
Local government secretary Robert Jenrick leads the coronavirus press briefing alongside England’s deputy chief medical officer Jenny Harries. It comes after Boris Johnson clashed with Labour leader Keir Starmer over the extent of care home deaths at PMQs earlier today.