Rishi Sunak

Asked if Williamson is a "good bloke", Mel Stride said he has "particular talents".
The former prime minister's idea was dubbed "a vanity project" and "silly populist nonsense".
The Tory MP told the Commons that they should be sent "straight back the same day".
He is accused of telling a senior civil servant to “slit your throat” and to “jump out of the window”.
It comes after Ed Miliband said the UK has a "moral responsibility" to support poorer nations affected by global warming.
Downing Street says the prime minister has full confidence in his close cabinet ally.
The former prime minister also took a swipe at Liz Truss over her fracking stance.
Shadow climate change secretary criticised the idea of the PM being "a leader on clean energy".
The prime minister says he "won't have time" to watch his former colleague in the jungle.
The prime minister wasted no time in putting political expediency ahead of his lofty ideals.