
"The first time I had to say the word 'penis' out loud in the recording booth, I laughed. I giggled like a teenager in sex ed class."
"I knew I had to wait until marriage to experiment with sex, but that felt so far away!"
He also offered some advice on how to break the habit "so you will not have temptation in hand."
"LGBT+ people exist everywhere, so shouldn’t Pride events do the same?”
People who came our in their 40s, 50s and 60s share their stories.
Writer Temi Wilkey and breakout star Dua Saleh discuss how season three of the Netflix series tells Black queer stories through a nuanced lens.
Among the dance crazes and lip-sync memes, I finally found a place where it was okay owning your identity, and a place where I didn’t need to police my own feelings.
Janet Hardy is co-Author of The Ethical Slut, a book about open and polyamorous relationships that has sold over 250,000 copies. In this video Hardy gives a brief “good rule of thumb” to follow if you are thinking about non monogamous relationships.
Pride can feel like a contest of who can display their identity in the most obvious way. But I’ve learned I don’t owe anyone some arbitrary concept of what my gender should look like.
Thousands of gay and bi men can’t donate to save lives like my Grandad's donor did. So I'm asking men to pledge a pint of blood in protest, writes Ethan Spibey