Tony Blair

Current PM cites a previous PM as the “sleaze” charge is again deployed.
Fleabag's "Hot Priest" is the latest star rumoured to be joining the hit Netflix drama.
Tory insiders wonder whether the chancellor can continue to emulate Tony Blair as “everybody’s friend” as crisis turns into recovery.
Blair says they’re "inevitable", but that only fuels backbench suspicions.
Exclusive: Former PM warns the poorest will suffer most until countries agree digital document showing vaccination and test status.
"I think he is a very serious threat, a much bigger threat than we’ve had for many years," the Tory ex-cabinet minister warns.
Nicola Sturgeon criticises prime minister after comments made to Tory MPs from northern England.
A packed few days are set to have long-lasting impact into 2021 and beyond.
The former Labour PM said it was one reason why “the central ground of politics struggles at the moment”.