UK Conservative Party

I was told I had a brain tumour the size of a woman’s fist. In that moment the world stopped
He worked with Arron Banks and Nigel Farage in the EU Referendum campaign
Mrs May deserves respect for bringing us this far on time, with her red lines intact and her government in one piece
In blocking my Bill, Sir Christopher Chope ended up in a political row with him on one side and pretty much everyone else on the other
... and what the Government said they would do that they haven't.
Today, the Government is intervening to make ‘upskirting’ a specific criminal offence
This long-term plan and historic finding boost is a wonderful and deserved birthday present to our NHS
Christopher Chope's obstinate and prehistoric behaviour demeans the House of Commons and the Conservative Party
These are the MPs who will be gathering support over glasses of warm prosecco
The fact that you have Muslim heritage does not give you the credentials to dismiss evidence of Islamophobia within your Party