uk tax

The Match Of the Day presenter is being pursued for tax that it is claimed should have been paid on income received between 2013 and 2018.
Dame Margaret Hodge is leading cross-party moves to stop profit-shifting multinationals benefitting from Rishi Sunak's super deduction.
Leader urged to "take the gloves off" as MPs' frustration grows over his cautious approach.
Chancellor hikes up corporation tax but says companies investing in wake of pandemic will get helping hand.
Income tax thresholds will also be frozen, instead of allowing people to take home more of their pay as had been planned.
It's been reported Rishi Sunak may extend the stamp duty holiday to the end of June.
Exclusive: Former Brexit secretary becomes first senior Tory to threaten Commons rebellion over Treasury plans.
Chancellor attempts to reassure Tory MPs as he eyes up ways to fill the black hole coronavirus has blown in the UK's finances.
Stamp duty has been abolished on homes worth up to £500,000 until the end of March 2021.
Short-term contractors, small business directors, and those who have been self-employed for less than a year fear they may fall through the gaps.