you gov

James Cleverly said the Tory chairman will survive until PMQs as he is a "very effective minister".
The TUC said patients and parents see through government’s “divide and rule tactics”.
"A Labour red wave is set to break at the next general election".
YouGov has Keir Starmer's party on 54% (+9) as Liz Truss's Conservatives flop to 21% (-7).
"We are just normal people trying to live our lives."
YouGov poll gives foreign secretary a 24-point advantage among Tory party members, who will choose their next leader.
A former employee at the pollster claimed the survey showed Jeremy Corbyn had won a TV debate during the 2017 election "by a country mile".
"It's the story about government staff parties that seems to be killing Johnson."
A YouGov poll also found 4% of people want politicians prioritised over the general public when it comes to the Covid vaccine.