you gov

Ministers told to get on top of monitoring technology as majority of workers “simply not ready” for it, YouGov polling shared with HuffPost UK suggests.
Donald Trump places 15th in the survey, trailing Bill Gates, Elon Musk, the Dalai Lama and Vladimir Putin.
The YouGov poll showed 57% of women surveyed agreed that trans people should be able to self-identify as their chosen gender.
Study based on YouGov MRP poll suggests just 21,215 voters can decide election if they vote tactically to deny the Tories in 30 seats they are currently expected to win.
YouGov's survey indicates Boris Johnson's lead has narrowed since it earlier predicted a bigger 68-seat majority.
YouGov's survey correctly forecast a hung parliament two years ago.
YouGov snap poll found public split down the middle on who should be prime minister.
YouGov survey shows both sides of the debate would be willing to see the break-up of the UK.
YouGov poll shows grassroots also back the death penalty and believe Islam is a threat.