From 'Morbidly Obese' To A Size 12: Woman Loses 13 Stone And Is Happiest She's Ever Been

How Did This Woman Drop 13 Stone?

Paige Way once topped the scales at an unhealthy 23 stone. Now, the 22-year-old has embraced a healthydiet and fitness regime which has helped her to shed an incredible 13 stone and become more confident in her own skin.

After being told by doctors that her morbid obesity would lead to a heart attack, Paige became determined to ditch the weight.

The final straw came when her boyfriend (now an ex) made an unkind comment about her body.

"I'd always been big as a child, and then I was 'the fat one' in my bunch of friends. Men would say horrible things about me on nights out, like "God, look at the size of her," she said.

"I had no confidence whatsoever, but I tried to kid myself that I was happy being fat. Even when I broke a sun lounger at a family barbeque by sitting on it, I just laughed it off," she revealed.

But then the unthinkable happened, while on a romantic getaway Paige's boyfriend-of-the-time told her that her stomach was too big for them to make love.

Paige, from Sydenham, South East London, said: "It was absolutely mortifying when my boyfriend told me that my belly was getting in the way, but it gave me the push I needed to finally do something about my weight."

For years, Paige had snacked on shop-bought sandwiches, biscuits and chocolate. She also regularly visited McDonald's where she'd consume two burger meals with fries, followed by a McFlurry and a large milkshake. This would be washed down with a 2 litre bottle of full-fat Coke.

By the time she hit 21, Paige's weight had soared to 23st and her BMI was a dangerous 57 - nearly three times the recommended amount.

In March 2013, doctors diagnosed 5ft 3in Paige as morbidly obese and told her she was at risk of having a heart attack. They also warned her that if she didn't ditch the fizzy drinks, her teeth would fall out.

Paige said: "It was horrible mortified. Deep down I knew that my health was suffering because of my weight, but I'd always tried to deny it.

"I was constantly tired and short of breath. If I was walking for the bus, I'd have to stop for a break. And my feet were covered in massive blisters from the pressure of carrying my body around.

"By the time I got to work, I was dripping in sweat and my makeup was running off my face. It was horrible," she added.

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In July 2013, Paige decided to finally do something about her size. She ended her relationship (thank goodness) and embarked on a diet that has seen her more than halve her body weight.

Initially, she began a juicing diet and lost eight stone in just 90 days. But she suffered horrific side effects, including hair loss and stomach cramps.

Paige said: "It was horrendous. I was pleased that the weight was coming off, but I felt terrible. My periods stopped, and I was an emotional wreck.

"After three months, I just couldn't cope with it any longer and decided to lose weight in a healthier way."

For the next eight months, Paige ate small portions of healthy food such as fruit, salad and bran flakes.

Combined with a weekly five-mile walk with her younger sister, Darcy, 19, Paige lost a further five stone - taking her total weight loss to an impressive 13st by May 2014.

Paige, who now weighs just 10st, says that her weight-loss has completely changed her life and she regrets waiting so long to make a change.

She said: "I've never felt better about myself. All of my family keep telling me how great I look, and for the first time in my life, I actually feel it. I think that anyone who feels uncomfortable about their body should take the plunge and do something about it. If I can do it, then anyone can."

However, Paige admits that her transformation has also led to the loss of friends, who are jealous that she now steals their limelight.

Paige said: "When I go out now, I like to look glamorous. I finally feel confident in myself and I like showing off my body. I never used to get any attention from men, so it's nice when a guy asks for my number.

"I have had friends come up to me and tell me that they can't go out with me anymore because I'm getting all of the attention that they used to get. It's a shame that they can't be happy for me, but at least now I know who my real friends are."

"Right now I'm happier than I've ever been."

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