Patriotic, Proud, Identifiable...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying if all Team GB athletes just walk around in a Union Flag we will win everything. I'm not stupid. But if they feel right, proud and confident, they will walk taller and others will notice.

... Are just some of the words Team GB athletes have been using to describe the Union Flag. And words I would certainly have used myself when I was part of the British swimming Team, which I was over a 23 year period. Yes, I spanned three decades and saw a lots of changes in and out of the pool... but never a kit without a Union Flag.

Every sportsman grows up wanting to represent there country. You start at your club, before progressing to your county. These goals are massive and when you finally get that call, that letter, you feel so proud and honoured - that now it's now your turn to represent the whole nation.

There is something to be said for the right kit. If you look right and feel positive it will reflect in results, just the same as people's attitudes and behaviour reflect in their results.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying if all Team GB athletes just walk around in a Union Flag we will win everything. I'm not stupid. But if they feel right, proud and confident, they will walk taller and others will notice.

The Union Flag is recognisable

There is a psychology, that if you like what you are wearing you feel more confident. And athletes are like peacocks, they love strutting - they love being seen.

All Team GB are so proud of representing their country - why do you think so many of them have a union Jack tattooed on their bodies?

All athletes also look at other teams and say "Love that kit, love to swap with so and so"... 'Used to love the Italian kit, SO stylish and Team USA always had the stars and stripes everywhere"..."It stood out and looked powerful, strong - we always knew they meant business!"

When athletes are on TV, it always helps if they are instantly recognisable. The public may not know every face and every name but they know the flag and who to cheer for. And that's why need the Union Jack to remain an integral part of the Team GB kit - if nothing else to help create a strong team identity like Team GB did at London 2012.