Symbol for pisces


Feb 19 - Mar 20The FishesWaterNeptune

Pisces is the compassionate and imaginative dreamer of the zodiac. They are highly intuitive, empathetic, and often deeply artistic. Pisceans are known for their emotional depth and ability to connect with others on a profound level.




Your busy inner life could currently be pulling you in many directions. Perhaps some of the things you know behind the scenes are giving you confidence that things will turn out all right for you, despite any appearances to the contrary. Still, you may fear that others are judging you harshly. While fretful Mercury in your anxious 12th house riles up competitive Mars in your self-expression sector, proving yourself with a dramatic feat might address this issue. If necessary, do it for your own comfort!

Your Week In Love

You have an important move to make in your love life. At first, you might think that it's more like taking one step forward and two steps back. The truth, however, is that regardless of your direction, this is a power move. You'll see very soon just how this shift puts your love life on the path that it's meant to take. Still, Mars is sliding back through your romance sector, creating that sense of hibernation. This Sunday, he'll make a perfect trine to Saturn in your sign. It might seem like a small act, but whatever it is you do, know it can lead to major positive developments.

Your Next 30 Days

You've got remarkable financial prospects! On February 4, Venus tumbles into your 2nd House of Earned Income, and you might immediately feel like it's raining money. An unexpected cash incentive may come your way, or you could feel inspired to ask your boss for a raise. You might sell one of your possessions and make an incredible profit. If you're in business for yourself, this is a great time to bump up your rates or launch a new initiative. The confidence you have in your talents will be strong -- and that confidence is well-deserved. Go forth and prosper!

Mars turns direct in your romance sector on February 23, emboldening your love life to pick up the pace regardless of your current romantic situation. In particular, you may notice your libido waking up from a long winter's nap! You're ready for more passion in your life -- and more fun.

A glorious New Moon in your sign on February 27 punctuates all of this refreshing energy with remarkable potential in your life's journey. You're ready to start writing the next chapter in your life. Make it count.

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