Marina Magdalena wanted her neurodiverse daughter to have a relatable female role model in fiction – so she created one.
There’s over 20 billion views of ADHD-related content on TikTok, but it’s far from a charity providing free healthcare information services.
The method has been particularly beneficial for people with ADHD, who often struggle with task initiation. Here's how to do it.
"Not once had I wondered if my own rapid-fire thinking ... had any connection to ADHD, the very thing I advertised to clients as my top area of expertise."
"Before I realised I have ADHD i just thought it was normal get absolutely nothing done the entire day for no good reason and then complete 90% of my tasks from 4:51pm to 4:58pm."
Signs of ADHD aren't always so obvious. These habits may indicate you're dealing with the condition.
Here are some expert-backed strategies that may jive better with your brain.
Raising children while managing ADHD comes with a unique set of challenges on top of the usual difficulties of parenthood.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder presents differently when you're older. Here are the red flags to look for.