BBC News

The broadcaster was reacting to a report about the race for Christmas number one, which involves Mariah and LadBaby.
Economists calculated that Liz Truss’s mini-budget exacerbated the problem to the tune of £30 billion.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Chief Rabbi were among those that complained about the broadcaster’s coverage.
The broadcaster said there was ‘insufficient counter and challenge’ to some of the opinions expressed by guests on the programme.
Broadcaster Martine Croxall was accused of bias after asking if she was "allowed to be this gleeful" shortly after the former PM's announcement.
The newsreader said he was missing his colleagues at the BBC.
"It was a poor choice of word perhaps but that’s live broadcasting," the presenter tweeted on Friday morning.
The presenter said his BBC News role leaves him “absolutely knackered physically” but “mentally rejuvenated”.
“A picture of a different and wholly unconnected player was shown. We apologise for that mistake.”
"That’s a bit of good news for the day, I suppose, isn’t it?”