Birth Control

"'I’m so angry,' my second sister said, visibly shaking. 'I’m not kidding, I’m mad.' Our parents had been cruelest to her."
Male birth control gel seems to be safe and effective, a new trial study suggests. But would men take it?
It could be seriously affecting its effectiveness.
Here's when you can reasonably expect your cycle to return to baseline after you stop using contraceptives (and what to do if it doesn't).
If you use a progestin-based IUD, injection or birth control pill, read this.
It's not going to protect you from unplanned pregnancies, that's for sure.
Let this be a reminder of just how easily women’s reproductive rights can be snatched away, through negligence, indifference or both, Opinion Editor Lucy Pasha-Robinson writes.
Making the right decisions when taking contraception can be tricky and hard. Most methods of contraception will not protect you against catching or passing on a STI however knowing your options will ensure the best decision is made.