Donald Tusk

"I heard that you have the same saying as what we say in Germany: ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way’."
But it will only be extended to April 12 if MPs don't back the PM's deal.
Theresa May will be heading to a summit with the European Council, forced to ask for an extension to the date that the UK will leave the EU. In response, a petition to revoke Article 50 and stop Brexit all together has more than cleared the 100,000 signature requirement for it to be debated in Parliament.
Three years ago campers woke up to the news the UK has just voted to leave the EU.
European Council President Donald Tusk has been on Instagram less than a year, but he's already an expert at it. From posting about a young fan writing him an adorable letter, to posting photos of his diplomatic trips, his Insta account is weird and wonderful.
Delay to UK's exit now "rational solution", suggests Donald Tusk.