Hillary Clinton

The former secretary of state tweeted a not-so-subtle jab at Trump’s love for hamburgers.
Donald Trump's 2016 rival had a "restful" response to the former White House chief strategist's indictment.
There’s a very familiar character in “State of Terror.”
The former president's impeachment trial could end with him being acquitted.
Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama, especially, communicated powerful messages through their clothing.
Trump's 2016 Democratic rival reprised one of her old tweets to comment on the president's removal from the platform.
Donald Trump's son shared an edited version of the barroom brawl scene from "A Bronx Tale" to Instagram.
I am sick to the back teeth of this poisonous myth that fashion and beauty are sexist, writes Rebecca Reid.
John Curtice says there is a "pathway" to victory for Donald Trump but "many more cookies have to crumble for him" than in 2016.