Humza Yousaf

Critics fear free speech is in jeopardy as first minister says people will be protected from the "rising tide of hatred".
Scotland's first minister posts about “racists foaming at the mouth at my very existence”.
Humza Yousaf blasted both main parties, calling the Tories "extremist" and saying Labour had "abandoned its principles"
Scotland's former first minister was mobbed by reporters and supporters at the party's annual gathering.
The party has agreed on yet another new policy on how to break up the United Kingdom.
Critics believe the leader's current strategy for breaking up the UK is "as clear as mud".
The SNP leader also hit out at Rishi Sunak and James Cleverly's response to her plight.
Humza Yousaf's in-laws are trapped in the besieged Palestinian territory.
Police are still investigating what happened to £660,000 raised from a previous crowdfunder.
"People in in Scotland are being let down," Peter Kyle said.