James Brokenshire

Boris Johnson is rebuked as Brexit battles rage on.
The housing crisis is a human crisis; the Government must take responsibility and start made a serious effort fix it
Shelter says post-Grenfell plan 'doesn’t commit a single extra penny' for new-builds while Labour branded it 'pitiful'.
The news was buried in a statement issued just days before Parliament breaks for the summer.
Lord Porter also said Theresa May wasn't serious about 'fixing' the housing crisis.
Labour accuses ministers of burying bad news ahead of England match.
Dame Judith Hackitt’s long-awaited report was widely condemned by politicians and industry experts.
'Action of this kind is rare and is not taken lightly, but I simply cannot ignore the scale of the problems facing Northamptonshire.'
The sheer breadth and depth of the housing crisis means the urgency and importance of the job has never been higher