kwasi kwarteng

The total is close to the last Tory exodus, seen ahead of Labour's 1997 landslide victory.
The total now exceeds the last Tory exodus, seen ahead of Labour's 1997 landslide victory.
There are currently 68 MPs leaving parliament as Conservatives in July.
No love lost between the one-time double act, then.
Dozens have now announced that they are standing down - with more set to follow them.
The former chancellor was sacked by Liz Truss shortly before her own demise.
Nearly £3m was paid out in severance to special advisers during the ministerial merry-go-round as the two premierships imploded.
John Claughton suggests ex-pupils Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Kwasi Kwarteng have damaged the “very fabric” of the country.
The party has descended into open civil war as a general election defeat looms.
Refusing to applogise for his mini-budget, the former chancellor says he is “very struck, actually, by the fact that people are ‘you tried your best’”.