Lee Anderson

"I'm actually going to effectively put the phone down," host Nick Ferrari said in frustration.
Former leadership candidate Rehman Chishti says the PM has not spoken to him since entering No.10.
MP, who was suspended from the Tory parliamentary party after being accused of Islamophobia, admits only to a "little bit of contrition".
But a government minister said he lost the Tory whip for "anti-Muslim hatred".
The former Tory deputy chairman said it would be "a sign of weakness".
But the deputy PM said yesterday that the former Tory deputy chairman lost the whip because he refused to apologise for his remarks about Sadiq Khan
It was a question Mark Harper faced repeatedly when speaking to broadcasters this morning.
The former Tory deputy chairman lost the party whip after failing to apologise for his attack on Sadiq Khan.
Trevor Phillips poked fun at the GB News anchor after he lost the Tory whip.
He said the PM "has a responsibility to stop this slide into ever more toxic rhetoric".