National Insurance

Nikki da Costa and David Frost criticised No10 over partygate and the national insurance rise.
From Spotify rows to the Russian president, quite a lot happened away from the Downing Street drama this week.
Prime Minister and Chancellor "fully committed" to hike despite Tory MPs' unrest
"It’s all very well to turn around with crocodile tears now and say, look what my policies have created," Jake Berry said.
LBC’s Nick Ferrari badgered Javid for an answer: ‘Where is it? I can’t seem to find it.’
The government is expected to hike up National Insurance in a bid to fix the social care system.
Resolution Foundation report recommends string of tax rises to fund the NHS and social care.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak also announces plans to begin scaling back government support for the furlough scheme benefitting 8.4m workers.