roe v wade

“Donald Trump is the sole person responsible for this nightmare,” the US president said of his Republican rival two years on from the Supreme Court decision.
Male birth control gel seems to be safe and effective, a new trial study suggests. But would men take it?
The figure is surprising, given that Donald Trump has repeatedly taken credit for repealing federal abortion protections.
Harris’ renewed focus on abortion rights remarks come as part of Biden’s presidential campaign strategy, which is set to ramp up this week.
"At the beginning of her second trimester, right after she’d started telling people she was pregnant, she began bleeding and cramping."
Several Texas women suing the state over what they say are deeply confusing restrictions shared their harrowing stories in court on Wednesday.
Abortion rights activists were unhappy with the president’s comments, as millions of people are being denied access to abortion care in nearly half the country.
It come after he went head to head with a "pro-life" member of the public.
With reproductive rights tightening in the US, discerning fact from fiction is more important than ever.