Russell Brand
"We were both married before, and it’s not the same in your 30s,” the Never Really Over singer said in a radio interview.
"I have given up the idea that I can make myself happy through success or fame or money."
"Who would've thought he'd win Star Baker with a vagina biscuit?"
"It's all cool for men to be ex-drug addicts or have kids with different women."
The problem is the public will always be cynical when brands and celebrities get involved with social issues when their backstory just doesn’t check out
"When I looked after Mabel on her own, she dropped two social classes in an hour."
For disciples of Corbynism, like Ken Loach, the EU embodies ‘neoliberalism’, symbolising the departure from Spirit of ‘45 socialism. It represents an interconnected, capitalist direction of travel, that must be halted
Barbara was left with 'numerous life-threatening injuries' after an accident last month.
Three years ago I was convinced Corbyn was a brave, principled man who would change British politics for the better
'Please continue to keep my mum, Barbara Brand, in your thoughts and in your hearts.'