Supreme Court

Judges told that Boris Johnson has "abused his power more than any prime minister in the last 50 years”.
A landmark ruling has paved the way for victims who lived with their abusers to claim compensation.
I find it hard to understand the Supreme Court's decision this month that the owners of a bakery in Belfast 'did not discriminate against a customer by refusing to make a cake supporting gay marriage'
But it's not all good news: just three of the total 12 Supreme Court judges are women.
Supreme Court nominee says his name has been 'totally and permanently destroyed'.
There's been a huge outpouring of support after her powerful Senate hearing testimony.
Siobhan McLaughlin’s partner of 23 years, John Adams, died from cancer in January 2014, but she was denied the allowance because they were not married or in a civil partnership.
'Trump has put reproductive rights and freedoms and healthcare protections for millions of Americans on the judicial chopping block.'