uk abortion

More than two-thirds of voters backed legalising abortion, two exit polls project.
I was taken in by fallacious and damaging arguments - I have everything crossed that Ireland will end its damaging and shameful legacy
If we vote No, we will force the Government to put in place a proper strategy to support all women and families facing unwanted or crisis pregnancies
Ireland’s laws force women to find substantial sums of money and travel to unfamiliar cities and doctors, at a time when they should be treated with compassion
The vote could radically change women's rights.
Poll suggested 17% of people had not made up their mind in the run-up to today's close vote.
Most of the pre-referendum Facebook advertising comes from untraceable sources.
With the historic vote on abortion’s availability in Ireland due imminently, HuffPost UK spoke with people in Dublin on their thoughts and why they’ll be voting the way they are voting.
Having an abortion is already one of the hardest decisions a woman can make - government policy is currently set on a course to make this process even more difficult