Jeremy Corbyn 'Bow' Row Rages On As Owen Jones Piles In With Stinging Blow At Cameron's Nod To Saudi King

Forget Corbyn, Owen Jones Says THIS Is The Bow We Should Be Offended By

Just 24 hours after one national newspaper sparked furore by accusing Jeremy Corbyn of not bowing at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, the heated debate continues to rage between his supporters and critics.

Condemnation from The Sun levied at Labour's new leader sparked blistering interventions from media pundits and figures including John Prescott and Sue Perkins.

But Guardian columnist Owen Jones held the trump card in this week's set of stinging rebukes at those critical of Corbyn's tribute to the fallen dead.

'Nod in my name': Monday's Sun splash

Labour-supporting Jones used a post on social media to hit out at David Cameron - the prime minister himself mocked by some for employing a lower-than-expected bow on Sunday - accusing him of acting subserviently to Saudi Arabia.

Relationships between Britain and the Middle Eastern country have frayed in recent weeks, after diplomatic pressure managed to free incarcerated Brit Karl Andree before Cameron announced he would back out from a £5.9m deal to train the Saudis how to run their prisons.

Despite the recent tensions between Cameron and King Salman, the prime minister has still been criticised for having supported and allied with a regime that executes one person every two days, for crimes including murder, rape and drug smuggling.

Jones took aim at this link in his post, commenting below a picture of the pair: "Give Cameron credit. He bows deep. To a regime that beheads gays and exports extremism that threatens our citizens."

Responding to one critic, who pointed out Tony Blair's close relationship with former Saudi premiers, Jones rebutted swiftly: "I think if you are looking for a fan of Blair you have stumbled into the wrong person."


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