
If you compare Bernie's CV to hers, 'there's only one winner'
'By decapitating the woman, she becomes an unquestionably passive object to the male gaze.'
'When a woman hears its chime, she might as well go home.'
As a sexual educator, I get a lot of backlash when I comes to talking about consent (rape culture at its finest, #amirite?). Asking for consent is not only mandatory, but it can be a super sexy way to spice up your sex life, by actively asking for consent throughout all sexual activity.
'I am happy there... I don't have to explain myself to anybody.'
She was told from a young age to never talk about religion or politics.
Anyone who has seen the online videos of Dapper Laughs - real name Daniel O'Reilly - will be au fait with the misplaced pride in idiocy and the triumphant doltishness of this arch dunce. His act is a woeful, misogynistic celebration of banter-based cretinism that is sadly having a renaissance among the unenlightened, the confused, the intellectually frightened and the simpleton.