Jen Psaki

The Pennsylvania senator said he's still firmly in Joe Biden's corner for one key reason.
The former president "melts" when confronted with this, the conservative attorney said.
“That is not the action of a stable person," said the former Biden White House press secretary.
Jonathan Karl said this former official served "at a very high level" under Trump.
Ken Buck, a conservative lawmaker from Colorado, called out Greene for her relentless push for impeaching President Joe Biden.
The MSNBC host said the former president has made an unexpected change of habit.
The MSNBC host's mocking concern for DeSantis' floundering campaign pointed to serious issues.
"Why should Republican voters take Trump’s wrongdoing seriously when the party leaders never call him out?" asked Psaki on her MSNBC program.
Press secretary Jen Psaki blamed the PM for the furore in the Oval Office on Tuesday.