
The prime minister threw some red meat to his backbenchers by attacking the opposition on rail strikes, Rwanda and Brexit.
'This is a shambles and it is shameful and the home secretary has no one but herself to blame,' Yvette Cooper said.
The prime minister's spokesman said "all options are on the table" after the first Rwanda deportation flight was blocked.
“If you’re not a total racist, please STOP doing this," activist Sunder Katwala tweeted.
One MP blamed "lefty lawyers" after a deportation flight to Rwanda was grounded on Tuesday night.
Last-minute interventions by the European Court of Human Rights led to the cancellation of the flight.
Chartering the jumbo jet has reportedly cost the government £500,000.
The prime minister made clear his frustration with lawyers seeking to prevent the first deportation flight taking off this evening.
"Those people need to suggest an alternative policy that will work," the foreign secretary said after the first flight was given the green light to go ahead.