
A mass extinction event isn't on the cards, according to astronomers.
"All I saw was death... It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered."
We've never even set foot on the planet.
It's about time we had more female representation up in space.
Captain Kirk was carried into space by Jeff Bezos' rocket ship.
If you crave the Martian life, this could be your dream job.
"Hard to imagine a better divorce outcome than getting 50 billion dollars and then your ex literally leaves the planet."
The Amazon CEO said he'll be on board the first crewed flight of the New Shepard, a rocket made by his company Blue Origin.
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About Space Space news stories, features, pictures and video from the Huffington Post UK. Whether it's Nasa, ESA or something a bit more strange, we've got you covered up to, and beyond, the Final Frontier.