Stephen Colbert

There's one unsung group the Russian president "probably has to worry about," the former National Security Council analyst said.
The “very funny” monarch had a cheeky dig at the former James Bond star.
One of them wrote a salty four-letter response that the Matrix actor holds dear to this day.
The House of Gucci star also explained why she wore a bulletproof vest to President Joe Biden’s swearing-in ceremony.
Speaking to Friends actor Lisa Kudrow, the talk show host let slip that they were almost co-stars once upon a time.
Obama allegedly slammed his successor as a "f**king lunatic".
The US talk show host also hit the president's supporters with a chilling comparison.
The outgoing president's narcissism ultimately leads to his own downfall in the animated short.
“One of the things I am most proud of is my doctorate,” the incoming first lady told Stephen Colbert.