World Cup 2014: São Paulo Stadium Would Not Pass British Safety Test

World Cup Stadium Opener Would Not Pass British Safety Test

São Paulo's Arena Corinthians, which will host the opening game of the 2014 World Cup on Thursday, does not meet British safety standards.

Brazil and Croatia's Group A match will be the first match to be staged in the ground, yet British stadium specialists last night confirmed if any new stadium is to be granted a licence in the UK, it would have to be tested "at or around 100%" capacity, to ensure fans can be properly evacuated.

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Brazil and Croatia will play at Arena Corinthians on Thursday

The Arena Corinthians is expected to be at its 70,000 capacity on Thursday, and although rigorous stress tests have been carried out, 20,000 seats were empty.

Fifa secretary general Jérôme Valcke admitted last month: "It is vital that all facilities will be tested under full match conditions in the temporary sections and associated facilities."