kwasi kwarteng

Grant Shapps and Kwasi Kwarteng wrote stinging rebuke to the firm's former boss who retired last year.
The Business Secretary said voters don't think fraud counts towards the official statistics
The Business Secretary's comments put him at odds with Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid
"Name a single thing that Boris Johnson has done to deliver higher integrity and probity in public life," Nick Robinson asked Kwasi Kwarteng.
Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng insists vote to put senior Tory's suspension on hold was "all about the process" and not his conduct.
As infections soar, the presenter asked: “So your policy is working in... what respect?”
A treasury source accused business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng of “making things up” following his comments over the weekend.
Damian Hinds blamed "unnamed sources" for alleging the business secretary was lying.
Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said soldiers will be driving the tanker fleets soon.
Just hours after ministers said there were “no plans at the moment” to deploy troops.