
Notoriously critical of the art form he helped cultivate, Alan Moore shared his disdain for modern comics in a new interview, arguing that superhero films have "blighted cinema."
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has long been criticised for its lack of queer characters.
Critics have described it as "mind-blowing", "extraordinary" and "epic".
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to come to an end very soon… for now. The remaining Avengers will unite to take a chance at bringing back their friends and defeating cosmic villain Thanos.
As if 25 new shows and 10 new films weren't enough, how does every single episode of The Simpsons sound?
Disney have reversed their decision to axe the director.
"No better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself.”
Stan Lee created Marvel superheroes for a living, but for many of his fans, he too became a hero.
Stan Lee was a comic book writer, but he was so much more than that - there will never be anyone like him