
But cabinet colleague Greg Clark said government must "defend" industries from foreign competition.
How can we aspire to be a party of Government that claims to be able to protect the most vulnerable and marginalised if we don't deal swiftly with complaints?
Senior EU figure then caught on hot mic laughing at "terrible trouble" he expects from Britain.
Would Corbyn and McDonnell be as free market as Blair and Brown? No, but there's much for business to like in the party's economic plans
The five things you need to know about politics today
On a whistle-stop tour of Northern Ireland, the PM showed little real regard, or even respect, for the real fears of a hard border's impact on hard-won peace
While not all Trump's statements will pass the fact-checkers, implied threats over the border wall were accompanied by calls for co-operation and bipartisanship
If Brexit isn’t handled very carefully – with safeguards that neither the PM nor her backbenchers seem to favour – it will be a catastrophe for our economy, for jobs, for wages and for public services.
"This report exposes a human and financial crisis of the Tories’ own making."