uk barack obama

The former first lady said that after a peaceful transition to the next president, "all that remains in this hallowed place are our good efforts and these portraits”.
The former president has opened up about his experience parenting Malia and Sasha.
The party has been "significantly" scaled back for only family and close friends.
“They could say whatever they wanted so long as there was no imminent threat of harm.”
Obama allegedly slammed his successor as a "f**king lunatic".
The former president opened up about Bo's death.
The former president teased that there are "some things I just can't tell you on air."
"I worry about what assumption is being made by somebody who doesn’t know everything about them," the former first lady told CBS's Gayle King.
The figure at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio had "deep" scratches after repeated attacks by visitors.
The former president brought up a long-ago instance when he'd fought with a schoolmate who'd called him a slur to hurt him.