girls aloud

Girls Aloud singer Sarah died in 2021 aged just 39, following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Her Girls Aloud bandmate Kimberley Walsh was on hand to get the party started.
The former bandmates joined Years And Years' Olly Alexander on stage for a special surprise for pop fans.
Fans couldn't help thinking the play might give them a sense of déjà vu.
Five stars have now been confirmed for the one-off festive special.
Kimberley Walsh, Nadine Coyle, Nicola Roberts and Cheryl Tweedy hosted The Primrose Ball to raise money in Sarah's memory.
Cheryl, Nadine, Nicola and Kimberley took part in a 5km run to raise money in memory of their former bandmate who died of cancer last year.
The Girls Aloud stars attended the press night of new stage show Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World.
Nadine, Nicola, Cheryl and Kimberley have "a number of exciting fundraising activities planned for 2022".
"Sarah asked us to do this and it’s really important for us that we make it a big event."