Watch: Moving Tribute To Murdered Labour MP Jo Cox From Her Colleagues

Watch: Moving Tribute To Murdered Labour MP Jo Cox From Her Colleagues

At Labour’s party conference in Liverpool today audiences were shown a film paying tribute to Jo Cox, who was murdered in her constituency on the 16th June.

Her colleagues in the Labour party called her “dynamic”, “enthusiastic”, and “feminist” in a video that celebrated her life and career.

MP Rachel Reeves, who introduced the film, said Cox was a “wonderful courageous woman” who “appealed to our better instincts”. She described a day a younger Cox spent on work experience with her.

“At the end of the day people weren’t sure who was the MP and who was doing the shadowing”, she said.

Janet Royall also paid tribute to her friend, saying “she knew how to disagree in an agreeable way”.

“Everyone at this conference will share my pride that Jo was Labour. She was Labour to the core”, she said.