Rick Santorum Booed Off Stage After Comparing Gay Marriage To Polygamy (VIDEO)

Santorum Booed Off Stage After Comparing Gay Marriage To Polygamy

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum was booed off stage on Thursday after he compared gay marriage to polygamy.

Appearing at the College Convention in Concord, New Hampshire, the former senator from Pennsylvania was questioned over his well known views on gay rights.

He was challenged by a female student for suggesting that permitting two men to marry would be the same as allowing "three men" to marry.

"How about the ideas that all men are created equal and the rights to happiness and liberty?" she asked him.

Santorum responded: "Are we saying that everyone should have the right to marry? Everyone?". To which several students shouted back "yes".

"Ok so anyone can marry anybody else? So anybody can marry several people?" He replied. "If everybody has a right to be happy and if you're not happy if you're not married to five other people is that ok?"

The female student was unimpressed and said she was talking about giving same sex couples "the same basic rights" that Santorum would grant one man and one woman.

After thanking them for their time Santorum exited the stage to some applause, and some boos.

Santorum has made no secret of his opposition gay marriage, having previously been accused of comparing homosexuality to incest and bigamy.

The former senator's campaign for the White House surged this week after he came from far behind to secure an effective draw with front runner Mitt Romney in the Iowa Caucses.