10 Ed Miliband Makeover Ideas To Get David Axelrod Started

10Amazing Makeover Ideas For Ed Miliband

We can't imagine why...

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Oh, that's why.

The issue is such a problem it's been the subject of of numerous focus groups, the participants of which are said to have reacted "badly".

Whether this involved simple grimaces or full blown nausea is unknown but the results undoubtedly require action.

So worry not Axel, for the helpful people of the HuffPost UK Picture Desk have done your job for you...

Ed Miliband Receives A HuffPost Makeover
The Borat(01 of10)
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More revealing than Edward Snowden's laptop, the only remedy for this monstrosity is bleach applied directly to the eye.
The Churchill(02 of10)
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The bow tie might not suit but a diet of cigars and booze would certainly lend weight to his everyman credentials.
The Don Draper(03 of10)
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Mrs Miliband would not be happy...
The Jay Z(04 of10)
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This is Ed Milibands's version of the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' as suggested by one of our Facebook readers. "In North London, born and raised,Reviewing films is how I spent most of my days,Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool, reading further maths each day after school,Went to Oxford, that's when things got rad, got into socialism, just like my dad,Protested rent hikes against my den, worked as a journo, fighting with my pen, within a few years I was working for Tony Benn, never learnt as much as I did then.Brown promoted me, no one knows what for, but I soon sat on my throne as the Price of Labour."Or something similar...
The Miranda Kerr(05 of10)
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Bet you didn't think it possible we could ruin Miranda Kerr for you? Well, we just did.
The Batband(06 of10)
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Strange how Miliband looks more like a morose squirrel when dressed in black
The Pharrell (07 of10)
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The Gosling(08 of10)
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Ok, he actually looks quite good here
The Beckham(09 of10)
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The Obama(10 of10)
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This is essentially just Miliband in a suit with someone else's wife and proves it's going to take more than a change in suits to make him look good.