Labour Party Conference 2012: 10 Answers From Labour

10 Answers From Labour

It took 65 minutes and 7,369 words for Ed Miliband to silence his doubters at Labour party conference. The headlines the day after his speech? Ed's the One, Miliband's National Anthem, Miliband Finds His Voice. But it was also a conference which many decried as flat - and where one of most interesting events was when a schoolgirl was booed, reportedly for going to an 'academy' school.

As conference began, we set out 10 questions the party needed to answer at their 2012 conference. Here, we see if they did.

Is Ed Miliband a credible leader?

One MP told me today they thought the conference had been dull until Ed Miliband spoke - another said that every member of the shadow cabinet knows they could not have given a speech like Ed. For those with their feet more firmly on the ground, it's unclear what one speech - especially if there's no follow up - can do but Ed leaves conference in a strong position.

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Rebuilding Britain. Literally

Is the Labour the party of aspiration or predistribution?

We said one thing to look out for during this year’s conference would be the language the Labour leader used - an instead of woolish concepts it was One Nation. It was an hour long speech without one mention of 'predistribution'. As Anthony Painter told The Huffington Post UK: "Does it [the speech] fundamentally address Labour's weaknesses? Probably not but it does remind people about Labour's strengths. People will be better able to relate to him out of that."

Can they be trusted with the economy?

One criticism of Ed Miliband's speech was that it didn't mention the economy enough. But Miliband did mention that borrowing was rising under this government - and Ed Balls' speech, which called for a stamp duty freeze for first time buyers and 100,000 new homes to be built.

Do Labour deserve their poll lead?

We said before conference that we didn't know, and the truth is, we still don't. There are over two years to go until the election and anything can happen.

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A wordle of Ed Miliband's speech to party conference

Is New Labour back along with Blair?

"New Labour was too silent about those at the top, and accountability of power." Not our words. Ed Miliband's.

Another thing that was striking about this conference was the number of Blairite Labour advisers who were negative about David Miliband - the word "arrogant" was a running theme.

Can Labour keep the unions happy?

Are the Eds united?

We'll leave that one to Ken Livingstone, who told us: “In all my private conversations with the two Eds [Balls and Miliband] none of them ever says anything about the economic direction which they're going that isn't the same."

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According to polling from the Conservative party released before conference almost two-thirds of Labour supporters believe David would have made a better leader than Ed

How will the party keep building on its support from dissenting Lib Dem voters?

Maybe this?

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Do the Labour party have anything to say?

Yes. And their leader can say it for over an hour without using any notes. And One Nation helps outline..

What Labour’s alternative is