We Can't Let the Leftist Cultural Onslaught Continue

It is tempting to sit and wait to see how far the absurdity will go and for us on the right to capitalise on the political gains to be made, but I care too much about our culture - something has to be done.

As the Conservative MEP, author and journalist Daniel Hannan correctly observes, "leftists become incandescent when reminded of the socialist roots of Nazism". Mr Hannan correctly points out that nothing ignites the ire of the left more than being reminded that socialism and Nazism are sister ideologies which feed the same collectivist impulse and that, far from being political opposites, they are very much farmed in the same field.

Mr Hannan also correctly observes that it is the consistent and all-consuming denial of the serious wrongdoings of the left and the defining of all things bad in politics as right wing or conservative, which has led to the left's overwhelming cultural victory. All those goods which are undeniably conservative - from free market principles, tradition and individual responsibility to the promotion of the family unit and robust defence - are spoken of in terms of necessary evils rather than outright positives.

A quick perusal of the media, both in the United Kingdom and in America, shows an incredible progressive bias which may be the reason for the success of the few conservative rebels that make it through the tofu ceiling - think Anne Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Milo Yiannopoulos and Katie Hopkins. In Peter Hitchens' excellent, 'The Abolition of Britain', he makes the case that in the short space of fifty years the establishment moved from a quiet, traditional conservatism, not to be confused with Toryism or necessarily voting Tory, to a loud and vapid modern progressivism. It is hard to disagree with Hitchens on this point - like it or not, our modern establishment, from the BBC to CNN, is radical, transformative and most definitely of the progressive left.

So tightly do the left hold the reins of popular culture that they are starting, it seems, to reap the 'rewards' of their viral cultural Marxism. In particular, we are starting to see the effects of people being encouraged to believe that it is they who define reality and not the other way around. After years of unquestioning belief that words can shape reality, that everyone can make up their own identity and that certain obvious factors are 'performances' or to be dismissed as mere 'social constructs', we are beginning to see the results - and they're not particularly pleasant.

Take for example, Shaun King.

The prominent #blacklivesmatter activist and campaigner was mired in controversy recently after Breitbart journalist Milo Yiannopoulos discovered that, in all probability, Mr King is, in fact, white. The refrain from the angry leftists was to tell anyone with scepticism as to Mr King's veracity that they were racists and that it didn't matter if he had lied or been misleading, all that was important was to talk about the issues he had raised. Narrative 1 - Fact 0.

What about Rachel Dolezal?

She, like Mr King, also appears to have lied about her race in order to gain some political advantage among left wing oppression Olympians? Or the constant barrage of fake statistics about lad culture, rape and sexual assault on university campuses, which are easily disproved with a quick Google search or perusal of crime stats? My favourite, as an economics geek, has been the comprehensive way the $1/77c wage gap myth has been busted repeatedly by academics and equity/libertarian feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers. All of this stuff makes the leftist trend of telling stories over doing research even more obvious and less credible.

Perhaps the best evidence from this year - even including Gamergate - of the left's moral relativism producing nonsense figures came just a few weeks ago when an individual called Stefonkee Wolscht made the pages of many newspapers, including the Daily Express. Ms Wolscht is a trans woman who abandoned her marriage of 23 years because, according to her, her ex-wife was unable to accept her as trans. So far, I, like any fair-minded person, was on Ms Wolscht's side. She is, clearly, someone who has struggled with her identity and she, and her ex-wife, deserves all the sympathy required from a compassionate society when something as awful as a marriage breakdown happens. Call me a bluff old traditionalist but I still like it when people are married for life and forsake all others. I also think that it's a terrible shame when that doesn't happen - especially if there are children involved.

She also thinks that she is a six-year old girl... and as such lives with a family who are happy to indulge her in this fantasy and allow this obviously disturbed woman to play with their young grandchildren as an equal. It's disturbing stuff - especially considering that Ms Wolscht is a six-year-old girl when it suits but also appears to be capable of having a driving licence, partners and various other trappings of adult life.

It must be stated clearly and unequivocally; this relativism and moral absurdity - along with the inevitable consequences - are no fault of the political right. The blame is entirely due to the 'progressive' left and this needs to be acknowledged. They have encouraged moral relativism, discounted facts in favour of feelings and narrative; have constructed the environment for self-indulgence, lies and "it's up to you" morality. The left, specifically the progressive left (as opposed to the now extinct liberal or libertarian left), has brought us the situation in which everything from 'blackness' to age is now viewed as a performance or a 'social construct' rather than the empirical, concrete facts that they are.

Arrestingly, it is now the height of bad manners to insinuate that one's ethnicity or age is a matter of when or to whom one is born. It seems that one can choose to be black (regardless of heritage) or choose to be six (regardless of birthday). It is tempting to sit and wait to see how far the absurdity will go and for us on the right to capitalise on the political gains to be made, but I care too much about our culture - something has to be done.