Anthony Weiner, New York Mayor Candidate, Mocks Britain (VIDEO)

WATCH: Anthony Weiner Mocks Britain

New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, made famous by his habit of sexting, took time out of his campaign schedule yesterday to mock a British reporter- for being British.

Weiner told ITV’s Lucy Watson, who was quizzing him about why he was running for mayor, that it was "hard to take you seriously" and said he felt he had "stepped in to a Monty Python bit" - presumably due to her accent.

"Anything else I can do for ITV?" he asked, before conducting a British weather report. "It's going to be rainy and cloudy and grey. Do what you can guys, try to keep your head up, keep a stiff upper lip."

The former congressman has dropped to a relatively distant fourth place in the Democratic primary in the latest poll. New York city council Speaker Christine Quinn leads the race with the support of 25% of the city's registered Democrats. Weiner has the backing of just 10%.