Ed Miliband's PMQ Death Stare Was A Poor Imitation Of Theresa May Classic (PICTURES)

Who Has The Best PMQ Death Stare?
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A few months ago Theresa May summoned up all the evil in the world and distilled it into a single Death Stare that nearly decapitated Ed Miliband.

Today Miliband gave it a go.

The result was... dubious.

So has anyone else done a better job?

PMQ Death Stares
Theresa May(01 of08)
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Theresa May is terrifying.If Red Riding Hood went to visit her in the woods she would say: "Why Grandma, what a lot of mess on the floor from where that giant wolf tried to eat you and you beat the crap out of it."
Ed Miliband (02 of08)
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Where Miliband fails in the death stare is that he has such a squidgy face.Rather than terrifying he looks like more like a rubbish student at Hogwarts trying to desperately levitate a frog.
Jacqui Smith(03 of08)
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This is good, there must be something about the job of home secretary. Unsurprising though really when you consider all the time honing it at her husband's choice of 'home movie'. (credit:PA)
Harriet Harman(04 of08)
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This is betrayed by the slight upward curl of the lip that suggests a subtle but intentional playfulness.In fact it's the kind of look you'd give if you were trying to get a traffic officer off your case...
William Hague (05 of08)
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Ah, William...You're not supposed to say anything!It's a stare!
Ed Balls(06 of08)
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Ed knows he's rubbish at serious faces that need to be directed like a laser at one unfortunate individual.His strength evidently lies in taking out half a bench with a massive trump that even he can't bare.
George Osborne(07 of08)
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Poor George has gone too far.The inherent rage of the death stare has overwhelmed him so all he can think of is that time he got booed at the Olympics and poor Maggie.That tear will come...
Michael Gove(08 of08)
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