E-Petition Shows Mob Rule Is Back In Fashion

This e-petition website is a good idea for freedom of speech I suppose. However it would be nice if people starting employing the responsibility of thinking before speaking.

So the very questionable e-petition website, where a paltry 100,000 people (a small percentage of the electorate) can dictate what parliament debates, has finally found an issue to force under the nose of the political classes.

Of course their first choice is as typically draconian and unworkable as you would expect from the hysterical minority that also came up with other such human rights abuses as bread and water for prisoners and the reinstatement of the death penalty.

The proposal namely being cutting off all benefits to those convicted of rioting.

This process has already begun with reports of the mother of own rioter being evicted from her social housing after her son was charged but has yet to be convicted.

So much for innocent till proved guilty eh?

In moments like this, where society should be able to show how high minded, respectful and benevolent it can be and instead chooses to resort to brainless reactionism.

Everyone who signed the petition has shown that the only difference between them and those who stole those TVs is a couple GCSEs and a mortgage.

How would taking away benefits help exactly? So they can feel more marginalised and less likely to obey the law in future? They say there is no 'deterrent' against crime but taking away all that they have pushing them into outlaw status so why would they even care? If they can no longer pay for it they'll just continue to steal it.

They won't be able to get a job with a criminal record anyway.

Why people still think the 'hammer at the problem till goes away' approach still works is beyond me. Time and time again studies and practice have shown that if you engage with these people and give them a reason to participate in society they may actually want to behave.

If you were in the same position would you do the same thing? Ever fiddle your tax returns so you weren't paying as much would in income tax? Ever voted for an MP that claimed a bath plug on expenses? Ever taken a massive bonus in a year where your dodgy banking nearly bankrupted the entire country?

They may not violent crimes but they aren't victimless. Theft is theft.

We may think we're better that the 'great unwashed' but if we resort to legal thuggery and take away any chance they would have to turn our lives around how civilised are we really?

Failing that why don't we just put them in the stocks and throw rotten tomatoes at them. This is probably the modern day equivalent. I'm actually surprised that it has been suggested.

This e-petition website is a good idea for freedom of speech I suppose. However it would be nice if people starting employing the responsibility of thinking before speaking.