Nigel Farage Branded 'Donald Trump Without The Charm' By Tory MP In Twitter Spat #suchappallingrubbish

Nigel Farage 'Donald Trump Without The Charm' Says Tory MP In Twitter Spat
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Ukip party leader Nigel Farage during 'Phone Farage', on Nick Ferrari at Breakfast on LBC, at their studios in Leicester Square, London.
Matt Crossick/PA Wire

Conservative Sir Nicholas Soames is fast gathering a cult following on Twitter, thanks to his forthright and combative style.

The Mid-Sussex MP, who is the grandson of Winston Churchill, turned his sharp-Twitter tongue on Nigel Farage on Friday morning as David Cameron attempted to hammer out a new EU membership deal for Britain in Brussels.

In another tweet, Sir Nicholas said the notion that Farage spoke for the "ordinary" men and women of Britain was "bollocks".

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Tory MP Sir Nicholas Soames is good at Twitter

Last week Sir Nicholas, an avid europhile, told fellow Tory John Redwood to "bugger off". Redwood had written to Conservative MPs encouraging them to vote in favour of Brexit.

On the same day, Sir Nicholas also got involved in a Twitter fight with ITV political editor Robert Peston.