Man Makes W**ker Sign Behind Nigel Farage Live On BBC News (VIDEO)

Man Makes W**ker Sign Behind Nigel Farage Live On BBC News

Nigel Farage's Ukip is popular. He and his party are on course to win the European elections on May 22. But as this clip broadcast live on the BBC News channel today shows, not everyone is a fan.

Farage was too busy warning any attempts to portray Ukip as racist would prove a "disastrous mistake" for the established political parties to have noticed the elegant criticism.

Earlier today Farage's attempts to launch of his party’s European elections campaign in the South West ran into trouble after he was kicked out of a pub.

The manager of the Bell Inn in Bath wrote on Facebook: "Just had Ukip leader Nigel Farage and his be-suited henchmen in the pub with a BBC News film crew. Avoiding any actual political argument, I told him that he was welcome as a citizen to have a pint – we are, after all, a public house – but it was inappropriate for him to be using our premises for his hustings. I asked the camera man to stop filming."

Ukip has been under intense scrutiny in recent days over comments made by party members. Would-be councillor Andre Lampitt was suspended hours after featuring in an election broadcast for expressing "repellent" racist and anti-Islamic views on social media. Another candidate, William Henwood, sparked fury by saying comedian Lenny Henry "should emigrate to a black country".

(H/t Political Scrapbook for the video)