Tory Grandee Submits Letter Of No Confidence In Boris Johnson

Gary Streeter, the veteran MP for South West Devon, is the third MP in one day to call for the prime minister to resign.
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Boris Johnson is suffering a drip-drip of no confidence letters, as three more Tory MPs announced on Wednesday they wanted the prime minister to be removed as leader.

Gary Streeter, the veteran MP for South West Devon, used a post on his Facebook page to announce he had put in a letter.

“I previously made it clear in response to the many e-mails I have received about the parties in Downing Street that appeared to break Lockdown rules, that the wise thing to do was to await the report from Sue Gray,” he said.

“This has now been received (albeit in truncated form) and I have made my decision. I cannot reconcile the pain and sacrifice of the vast majority of the British Public during lockdown with the attitude and activities of those working in Downing Street.

Streeter, who was first elected in 1997, added: “Accordingly, I have now submitted a letter seeking a motion of no confidence in the prime minister. 

“I have not come to this decision lightly. It is not my intention to say any more about this matter.”

Tobias Ellwood, the chair of the Commons defence committee, told Sky News this morning he would be sending in a letter today.

And Anthony Mangnall, the MP for Totnes and South Devon, also announced on Twitter this afternoon that he wanted rid of Johnson.

“At this time I can no longer support the PM. His actions and mistruths are overshadowing the extraordinary work of so many excellent ministers and colleagues. I have submitted a letter of no confidence,” he said.

Nadine Dorries, the culture secretary and close ally of Johnson hit out at the rebels.

“The defining mission of the PM & this government is to level up the whole of the UK,” she said.

“On the very day we are setting out steps to make this happen, a handful of egos want to make it all about them. It’s selfish, doing Labours work and it’s really not helping their constituents.”

If 54 Tory MPs submit a letter to Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of the backbench Tory 1922 committee, then a no confidence vote in Johnson’s leadership will be held.

Only Brady knows how many letters he has received. And an unknown number could have put a letter in without announcing it in public.

Other backbenchers who have called on the PM to quit include former Brexit secretary David Davis and former chief whip Andrew Mitchell.