EU Referendum Demonstrates How Democracy Is Breaking

Democracy is a very good idea in principle, but in practise sometimes it doesn't work in the way many would like it to. In that sense, it's a little bit like Ade Akinbiyi - weak, slow and doesn't get a lot done, but is probably worth a punt on deadline day because there's not many other decent options around.

Democracy is a very good idea in principle, but in practise sometimes it doesn't work in the way many would like it to. In that sense, it's a little bit like Ade Akinbiyi - weak, slow and doesn't get a lot done, but is probably worth a punt on deadline day because there's not many other decent options around.

Democracy is currently strangling the UK. The country is in the final leg of its run up towards an in/out/shake it all about referendum on their membership of the European Union. The Great British public will be making the decision as to whether the country has a little flounce around and sits down where it used to, like a good little child; or whether they're going to sulk, take their football and storm off back to their house in a bit of a huff.

Perhaps the most baffling aspect of the referendum is that there are only two options on the ballot paper: Remain or Leave.

Where's the third and most obvious answer - "What the bloody hell are you asking me for?"

That's where my X would go.

While both sides in the debate accuse the other of scaremongering, actual people will make actual decisions on actual issues that actually face the UK on whether they're in or out of the EU. Neither campaign has been about informing people so they can make a good decision.

Both Remain and Leave have spent the last few weeks trying to convince people to vote their way because the other side is talking rubbish. "£350m could be better spent on hospitals not Brussels!" shouts Leave, as if that's where every penny would go. "Don't risk World War Three!" replies Remain, as if war will be declared on Friday 24 June.

It means voters are going to the polls with nothing but hyperbole and their own misgivings about the EU - does it control what shape our bananas are and is it really true millions will flock to the UK when other countries join?

What's the point in asking the people what they want when the vast majority - including many who have actually taken the time to consider as many sides to the argument as they can - don't understand much about what either choice will present?

It's not undemocratic to not allow a referendum on such a topic. There are people elected whose actual job it is to understand the consequences of staying or leaving the EU on behalf of someone like me, who doesn't have the time to be able to study all of the pros and cons alongside their full time job and family life.

At the General Election, we go into the voting booths to nominate people who can make such decisions on our behalf. After that, the really tough and big decisions that will affect the country should be taken by them - they put themselves forward in the first instance to represent their constituency, so bloody well do it.

Don't just shrug, say "I don't know," and throw the very important decision back to the public. It absolves them of any responsibility and, stay or leave, MPs simply turn around and tell us we made our choice.

Sadly, it's a choice built in hyperbole, untruths, mistruths, disinformation, misinformation, over-reactions, and myths, all tinged with a hint of racism from the more extreme end of the "I don't like foreign people" arguments.

The only answer is for everybody not to vote. Literally nobody rocks up and puts an X in the box. A turnout of 0 per cent. Nobody.

Then hopefully the UK won't get another referendum on an issue the general public couldn't possibly know enough to make a decision about.